Can New #CarolinaPanthers Head Coach Dave Canales Fix Struggling Offense?

Charlotte Observer sports columnist Scott Fowler discusses the #Panther hiring Dave Canales as head coach and the tall task ahead of him. #NFL #nflfootball

Remember that they got they did not Score a point in January they were shut Out their last two games in a row and I Think that hadn't happened in 15 NFL Seasons that's how bad they were that's Where he's starting from and here's one Good thing for Dave Canales he's Starting at a place that if you're Entering a new job you think of yourself And your own whatever jobs you've ever Been in anyone listen it's nice to Follow the guy who messed it up I mean It's it you because you're going to look Good by comparison so the fact they were Two and 15 worse than the NFL the fact That they had an offense that was just So horrendous that it was really Laughable I got shut out in the last two Games there's nowhere to go but up Here

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