Luke Kuechly Joins Good Morning Football – All The Way From Germany

Luke Kuechly joins Good Morning Football to talk about the Panthers trip to Germany. The team has sent representatives around Germany to help promote NFL football and grow the team’s fanbase overseas.

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Let's go baby we're at home start fast Finish faster baby what is it what do You guys think what do you think I'm all over [Applause] [Music] That's gonna win [Applause] I'll pick six our next guest you guessed It he was one of the greatest middle Linebackers of the century he's played Eight seasons he was a five-time All-Pro Seven-time pro bowler and a member of The 2010s all decade team please welcome Former NFL linebacker Lukey please What's up Luke What's up guys how are you thanks for Having me on this is gonna be great It's gonna be awesome and the reason why It's great is because you see you're at A football field uh it's like kind of Some Panther blue behind you but you're Not in Carolina you are in Berlin my Friend part of a broader effort by the Carolina Panthers to promote football in Germany what's going on there in the Football clinics that you have been Taking a part of the past couple days Yeah so we've had a Full Slate we got in Sunday morning Super Bowl Sunday Sunday Night we had a watch party at iron track Frankfort which was one of the local Soccer teams here and it was awesome the Energy that these fans brought that

Night for the game was unbelievable we Didn't start until midnight and went all The way at about five o'clock and they Stuck it out the whole time and now We're on our second Camp of the week We've got one more tomorrow and just Teaching fundamental to these kids we're Starting early with flag football Teaching them getting them getting them Dialed in with everything and we had a Great one yesterday have like I said Another one tomorrow and it's just been A lot of fun for us so far All right so you're in Germany during Super Bowl Sunday I can't imagine you Envisioned that a few years back but You're there and a bunch of fans Attended this Super Bowl watch party in Frankfurt what was it like watching the Super Bowl with a bunch of German Football fans I'll tell you what they have they they Know exactly what's going on they root They have they have teams that they love We had a lot of Panthers blue which was Great but the energy the energy that They bring to the games was really stuck Out like I said they understand it they All they all know what's going on they Understand penalties they understand First out like third third down Situational stuff but I think the Biggest thing is they they know what's Going on inside the game it's not like

They're just watching and cheering Because they're cheering they understand The game they understand why stuff Happens obviously with filling all the Analytical stuff that they do they had a Great feel for that so it was it was a Great experience they got they brought Tremendous energy and it was something That we were really excited to do Yeah I love that a Super Bowl featuring The Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles and we're watching There and we just see all these Panthers Uniform jerseys and all the Panthers Gear there's even a Twitter and Instagram handle called Panthers Deutschland explain how the Panthers Have grown just such a passionate fan Base over in Germany over the last Several years Yeah it's been a big it's been a big Effort for us you know dating back years But 2019 we kind of started with a German a German area on the website that Really helped us get going we're the First team over here in Berlin to kind Of activate over here we just had we've Had a tremendous time that the fans have Been really receptive and I think it's Been a very conscious effort for the Carolina Panthers to get over here and And just be a part of this community Because they have so much support for us And you know I obviously love the game

Of football it's been a big part of my Life and it's a big part of people's Lives over here as well so we're just We're just super happy to be here Super happy that you're there too Luke We loved watching you play genuinely it Was it was a pleasure during the Commercial break Jason's revealing that He did not like playing again she was Rather annoying Jason tell the people Why let's get Luke's thoughts on it yeah Play it against Luke I was playing for The Titans it was down in Nashville and Every time this guy would make a tackle In Nashville in our own stadium the Entire crowd [Music] And it was just so annoying especially As a defensive player watch him make 100 Tackles and then Cam Newton dancing in The back of our end zone Hey that that was I remember that game That was a great year cam was definitely He was definitely dancing but I think You know our our fans our fans are great They travel really well Um it was a ton of fun I had a great Time playing in Carolina and uh I was Kind of telling you guys off air too my My grandma thought they were booing me And uh my dad had to step in there and And he didn't help the situation either I think he he agreed he's like I don't Know why they're booing they must not

Like him but eventually he's uh he he Filled her in on us so it was uh it was A ton of fun we've got we've got great Fans they've always traveled really well And you know playing in Carolina was Something really special Yeah Luke let's talk about your time in Carolina you were teammates with James Bradberry and Greg Olsen who both in Different ways played a big role in Super Bowl 57. let's listen in to how Olson and you call some radio games for Carolina so you know what it's like to Be up in that Booth along with Kevin Burkhart called Bradbury's holding Penalty late in the fourth quarter Pressure lofting one ends And complete Juju Smith Schuster Couldn't catch up there's a flag at the 10. hang on there's a penalty here You'll see James Bradberry they're gonna Say he grabs them He's got his left hand on his back I Don't know I think on this stage I I think you let him play obviously Mahomes thought he saw it I think I don't know I think you let him play Finish this thing out All right here's the three-part question Luke uh did you see the play what'd you Think of it how do you think your former Teammates handled that moment Bradbury Taking responsibility for the penalty But also Olson's call and his opinion in

That moment Well I think I think with James I played With James for for four years in Carolina and he is the best I love that Guy he's smart he's competitive and as You can tell he took responsibility but You know what I'm a defensive guy I'm with James I would have done the Same thing I think you know you got to Let those guys play I think you know if From a defensive guy the receivers got Play a little stronger he can't let that Hole do anything to him but hey I'm a Defensive guy so I'm gonna say I'm gonna Decide I'm gonna side with James I'm Gonna side with with Greg you know three Of us teammates we all got to stick Together but I think Greg's done a Phenomenal job this year with Fox he was Tremendous and then James had another Great year as a second team All-Pro Special player special guy and I'm a Defensive guy so I'm gonna side with Those guys and say Hey Big situation let Him play because the defense perspective Is always going to win so Luke you hung him up after eight years You were at the top of the game you're Now a few years removed from that what's The one thing that you miss most from Lining up against those guys and going To battle every week Oh I think the thing you missed I think Everybody will agree on this Jason you

Can definitely speak to this is you miss Just being around the guys waking up Going in eating breakfast with the guys Be in the locker room traveling on buses On planes in the locker rooms after Games we had so much fun and when you When you look back on your crew and we All get together we get guys together And and have you know breakfast lunch Hang out everybody talks about the Experiences that they had off the field I mean we played in big games we were in The Super Bowl the NFC championship game Won some division championships in Carolina but what everybody talks about Is hey remember after that game when we Were on the plane and blah blah blah Blah blah all that stuff is what guys Remember and Um I'm just I'm thinking about stuff Right now that was that had we had so Much fun with that that you know you Can't find that anywhere else but it was A we had a special group we had a Special organization we had a special Group of guys in a city that was really Behind us and uh it was a special place I was very fortunate to end up in Carolina That's great Luke well I'm sure the NFL Agrees that they must be so proud to Have you over in Germany all week long Representing the league the game and as You said Carolina Panthers fans they

Travel well hopefully they have a future Traveling to Germany to watch their team Play and I'm sure you'll be right there With them as a great Ambassador awesome To talk to you today Luke Keekley good To see you Luke yeah thanks for having Me guys appreciate it Later brother absolutely

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